Privacy Policy

Shirushi Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) recognizes the importance of protecting customers’ personal information and strives to handle and protect it appropriately in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as “the Personal Information Protection Act”) and the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as “this Privacy Policy”).

In this Privacy Policy, “personal information” shall mean personal information as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Law, i.e., information about a living individual that falls under any of the following categories

1.Definition of Personal Information, etc.
(1)In this Privacy Policy, “personal information” shall mean personal information as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Law, i.e., information about a living individual that falls under any of the following categories
   ・Information that can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth, or other description, etc. (including information that can be easily cross-checked with other information and thereby identify a specific individual).
   ・Items containing personal identification codes
(2)In this Privacy Policy, “personal information requiring special consideration” means personal information requiring special consideration as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 3 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, i.e., personal information that contains statements that require special consideration in order to prevent unjust discrimination, prejudice, or other disadvantages to the person, such as race, creed, social status, medical history, criminal record, facts that have caused harm due to a crime, or other information that is deemed necessary by the Personal Information Protection Law Enforcement Order to prevent the person from being subjected to unjust discrimination, prejudice, or other disadvantages. Personal information that includes descriptions, etc. specified by the Personal Information Protection Law Enforcement Order as requiring special consideration for handling in order to avoid unjust discrimination, prejudice, or other disadvantages to the individual concerned.
(3)In this Privacy Policy, “Sensitive Information” means personal information that requires special consideration and information concerning membership of labor unions, family origin, legal domicile, health care, and sexual life (excluding those that fall under the category of Sensitive Personal Information). (excluding information that is publicly disclosed by the individual, a national agency, a local government, a person listed in each item of Article 57, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Law or each item of Article 6 of the Enforcement Regulations, or information that is obvious from its external appearance that is obtained by visually inspecting or photographing the individual). means the following.
(4)In this Privacy Policy, personal information, etc. means personal information, personal related information (defined in Article 2, Paragraph 7 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, which does not fall under any of the following categories: personal information, pseudonymized processed information, and anonymized processed information (defined in Article 2, Paragraph 6 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information) ( This includes, but is not limited to, SNS accounts such as Twitter, wallet addresses, etc.) and pseudonymized information (as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 5 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, information about individuals obtained by processing personal information so that specific individuals cannot be identified unless it is cross-checked with other information).

2.Purpose of Use of Personal Information, etc.
We will use your personal information, etc. for the following purposes

(1)Personal information, etc. of customers that we ourselves obtain
   •To accept applications for our IoT business, Web3 promotion business, and Monozukuri Web3 business (hereinafter referred to as “our business”) To accept applications for our IoT business, Web3 promotion business, and Monozukuri Web3 business
   •To provide various information regarding our business
   •To notify you of various campaigns of our business, draw prizes, etc., contact you for shipping, and respond to your inquiries
   •To guide, recommend, provide, or act as an intermediary for products and services handled by our business partners
   •To conduct market research on products and services handled by the Company and its business partners, and to research and develop financial products and services by analyzing data and conducting questionnaires, etc.
   •To provide maintenance and support related to our business
   •To notify you of changes in terms, rules, guidelines, risk explanations, policies, precautions, and other individual regulations, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Terms, etc.”) related to our business. To notify you of changes to the Terms and Conditions, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Terms and Conditions, etc.”)
   •To reply to inquiries and consultation regarding our business
   •To respond to violations of the Terms and Conditions, etc.
   •To confirm the identity of customers
   •To confirm account information at financial institutions and to check the status of transfers
   •To store information provided by the transferor of cryptographic assets
   •To assess various risks related to money laundering and terrorist financing, etc.
   •To contact you in case of emergency
   •To create backup data
   •To conduct internal audits
   •For other purposes incidental to the above purposes of use

(2)Personal information, etc. that we obtain through contracted services
To perform and manage the contracted services for which we are entrusted with part or all of the handling of personal information, etc., in connection with the services we provide, and to perform and manage other contracted services. Personal information, etc. entrusted to us by the contractor will be strictly managed and used only within the scope of the contract on our own responsibility.

3.Restrictions on Use of Personal Information
We will not handle personal information, etc. beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use without the prior consent of the customer, except as permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws and regulations.

4.Proper acquisition of personal information, etc.
We will acquire personal information, etc. in an appropriate and lawful manner to the extent necessary for our business.

5.Secure management of personal information, etc.
We will implement appropriate security control measures to prevent the loss, falsification, leakage, etc. of customers’ personal information. In addition, when entrusting customers’ personal information, etc. to a third party, we will appropriately supervise the third party.

6.Provision of Personal Information, etc. to Third Parties, etc.
We will provide your personal information, etc. to a third party only after obtaining your prior consent, except in cases permitted under the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations. However, this does not apply in the following cases
(2)In the event of a merger, corporate separation, business transfer, or other such event that results in the succession of the Company’s business, including the provision of Personal Information, etc.
(3)Cases in which Personal Information, etc. to be jointly used with a specific person is provided to said specific person, and in which this fact, the items of Personal Information, etc. to be jointly used, the scope of the joint users, the purpose of use by the user, the name and address of the person responsible for managing said Personal Data, and in the case of a juridical person, the name and address of its representative are notified in advance or made readily accessible to the individual concerned In the case of a juridical person, the name of its representative is notified in advance to the individual concerned or is made readily accessible to the individual concerned.

7.Disclosure, etc. of Purposes of Use of Personal Information
When we receive a request from a customer for notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, elimination, or suspension of provision (hereinafter referred to as “disclosure, etc.”) of personal information, we will respond to the customer within a reasonable period of time and within a reasonable scope, except for cases in which disclosure, etc. is not required by law. When we receive a request from a customer for notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, elimination, or suspension of provision (hereinafter referred to as “Disclosure, etc.”), we will respond within a reasonable period and to a reasonable extent after confirming that the request is from the customer in question, except in cases where disclosure, etc. is not required under laws and regulations.

8.Handling of Personal Information and Sensitive Information
We will not acquire, use, or provide to third parties any sensitive personal information or sensitive personal information of our customers, except with the prior consent of the individual concerned or in accordance with laws and regulations.

9.Use of personally identifiable information (cookies, web beacons, IP addresses, etc.)
In order to provide better service to our customers, we may acquire and use cookies, web beacons, IP address information, and other information from our customers in order to analyze how our web pages and our applications are viewed and used.You may disable cookies and web beacons by changing the settings on your web browser. However, if you do so, you may not be able to use certain functions of our services.

In addition, we use Google Analytics provided by Google. We may receive the results of Google’s collection and analysis of your browsing history based on cookies set by us or Google, and use them to understand how users use our services.
For more information about Google’s use of data in Google Analytics, please visit their website.

「GOOGLE’s use of information collected from sites and apps that use GOOGLE services.」

For requests for disclosure, opinions, questions, complaints, and other inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the following

Personal Information Inquiry Desk
E-mail :
Shirushi Inc

11.Privacy Policy Changes
When we change the purpose of use of personal information, etc. (within the scope that is reasonably considered to have a reasonable relationship with the purpose of use before the change), or make other changes to our privacy policy, we will announce such changes on this page. When we change the purpose of use of personal information, etc. (to the extent reasonably deemed relevant to the purpose of use before the change) or make any other changes to our privacy policy, we will announce such changes on this page.

Updated November 24, 2023